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Why need a  Personalized, Team Approach?

Unless your condition is life threatening and requires emergency care, it is never a bad idea to seek a second opinion. In many cases, seeking a second opinion is not only suggested, but necessary. These circumstances include anytime the following occurs:

  • A condition or problem is considered serious

  • Surgery is one of the treatment options suggested

  • Numerous possible treatment options are available

  • After consulting with your doctor, you still have a number of unanswered questions

  • You are told by the doctor that a specific type of treatment cannot be used to treat your condition

  • You are told by the doctor that nothing or nothing more can be done to treat your condition

  • Your condition returns unexpectantly after treatment

  • A cause for your symptoms is not found, but the symptoms continue

  • You feel that there is something wrong with the diagnosis or suggested treatment for your condition


Some conditions that may require second opinions are usually complicated and poorly understood. If you seek a second opinion, we will find a doctor or study group researchers who specializes in the condition.

There may be a number of benefits to getting a second opinion, including:

  • Having a better understanding of your condition

  • Getting your questions answered

  • Removing doubts

  • Helping you to weigh the benefits and risks of the recommended treatment options

  • Helping you to make an informed, educated decision as to what treatment is best for you

Because medicine is not an exact science and many conditions can mimic the symptoms of other conditions, diagnosis can be difficult. As a result, getting a second opinion can be help assure that the original diagnosis is correct.

By ordering a trial you will be suggested doctors who have met certain standards.


Personalized medicine. The concept of patient-centered care extends to the treatments and therapies clinicians provide. Not only are care plans customized, but medications are often customized as well. A patient’s individual genetics, metabolism, biomarkers, immune system, and other “signatures” can now be harnessed in many disease states — especially cancer — to create personalized medications and therapies, as well as companion diagnostics that help clinicians better predict the best drug for each patient.


Testing You May Need

This depends on your condition. In some cases, the doctor will want to conduct an independent exam and may order additional tests. Or, our doctors will be able to use the results that have already been collected to evaluate your condition, verify or disagree with the original diagnosis, and suggest a treatment plan for you.



World Health Institute represents a partnership of researchers and funding agencies from several countries. 


* Personalised medicine in paediatrics: individualising treatment in children with rare neurological diseases

Particular actions that have to be undertaken in order to reduce the existing gaps include:

  • â—‹ the identification of the most promising research approaches for use in paediatric populations from among those based on ‘omics’ sciences;

  • â—‹ the development of model-based methodologies for clinical trials in children based on the use of ‘omics’-derived biomarkers;

  • â—‹ the initiation and completion of pilot studies designed with the goal of developing paediatric personalised medicines in a specific sector such as oncology, respiratory disease, neurodegenerative disease or infective disease. 


* Personalization of Integrated Treatment: Informatics and Decision Science in Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Integrated treatment approaches such as psychiatric rehabilitation benefit from personalization because they involve matching diverse arrays of treatment options to individually unique profiles of need. Provided the hypothesis can be supported, the near future will see prototype systems that can construct an integrated assessment, formulation, and rehabilitation plan from clinical assessment data and contextual information. This will lead to advanced systems that collaborate with human decision makers to personalize psychiatric rehabilitation and optimize outcome.






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